Kamis, 27 Oktober 2011

Tugas 1 Teori Organisasi Umum

Layanan Blackberry Bermasalah ?..

            Dalam keterangan resminya Blackberry kembali mengkonfirmasi bahwa penyebab keterlambatan mengirim pesan di BBM dan kesulitan dalam mengakses internet(browser) disebabkan oleh kegagalan saklar inti dalam infrastruktur RIM.
Sumber artikel : majalah pulsa edisi 219.

My opinion about this article is :
1.      Many of my friends and relatieves who complain about this.
2.      But not only factor of Blackberry handset, some providers are also experiencing network interference.
3.      This probably caused a growing number of Blackberry users.

My conclusion about this article is :
            We hope this problem does not last long, expected to pay attention to the needs of consumers, if such demage is often the case, could have made consumers become disillusioned later switched from Blackberry and providers who often experiance this demage.


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